ezClocker online time tracking is perfect for your office staff. The employees can clock in/out via ezClocker website, enter notes and view schedules. As the employer you can use it to export timesheets, create schedules, or adjust employee time punches. You can audit all time entry changes.
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Mobile App
With a tap of a button your employees can clock in or out using their smartphone, view their timesheet, or find when their next shift will be. When an employee clocks in or out we capture the GPS location so you the employer can verify they were at the correct job site.
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Kiosk App
If you want to use one device for your employees at a job site then you can use our ezClocker Kiosk App built for the iPad. Employees can sign in using a 4 digit PIN number. The employer can also use the app to view employees’ timesheets, adjust time entries and email time clocks.
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